Triond – sunshineleo05’s Profile


For those who are interested, I have a blog on Triond as well as WordPress. Currently, they contain basically the same content. I am working on publishing more individual content on each site, but at the moment I am writing blogs on Triond and then sharing them on WordPress. This allows me to share my work with more than one audience, basically making my writing more available to those who are interested. It is better to be published on multiple sites than just one…that is my theory, anyway. Triond is a good blog site for making a little money on the side, so if you are a blogger, I highly recommend that you sign up! It is easy to use and you will see results almost immediately. The most important thing is to post new, interesting works frequently. The most read subjects include news, animals, and medical articles; but I have found that poetry seems to be read fairly often as well.

Triond – sunshineleo05’s Profile.

About Genevieve

Genevieve is a southern gal who loves to write. She is a graduate of Everest College with an AAS in Criminal Investigations. Currently, she works as a freelance writer and volunteers for Central Virginia Horse Rescue by writing their monthly newsletter. If she's not writing, you can bet she's either spending time with friends and family, playing with the horses, crafting, or reading. Interested in having a guest blog appearance? Email to get in touch! P.S. Subscribe by RSS feed if you are interested in following her creative insanity... ;)

Posted on August 29, 2011, in Uncategorized. Bookmark the permalink. Leave a comment.

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